Wednesday, 1 January 2014

New Years Eve Art Journal Spread

Yesterday I was working in my art journal and I thought I would share it with you! All the paint colors used were Golden brand paints.

This spread was a long time in the making. The flowers that I imbedded in the background were almost felt-like in texture. They were dyed with oranges and yellows and reds. Every time I went over them with gesso, the color would bleed through. After putting on layers and layers of gesso, and even a layer of white paint, I finally got out my workable fixative. That did the trick, and the next layer of gesso stayed white!
I added Teal paint with a wet brush over the gesso and then blotted it back out with a wet paper towel. Once that was dry I used my palette knife and some Indian Yellow Hue paint. I let that dry and did the same thing with Titanium White. I then added my collage elements. I inked all the collage elements with Vintage Photo Distress Ink by Tim Holtz, and used my matte medium to adhere the words. I glued the collage on the right using Fabri-Tac.
Here is a close up of  my chosen words for this project. I chose Auld Lang Syne partly because it was New Years Eve, but also because the tea bag tag on the right hand page made me think of it.

I love old pictures! I buy them pretty much anywhere I find them. I think it is kind of sad that they end up in places like second hand stores and antique shops. I wonder how they got to be there. Who were they? Where did they come from? I am trying to give them some new life.
I thought it was somewhat appropriate to put in a picture of  someone I do not know, seeing as the song has a line about old acquaintances being forgotten. I have no idea who this girl is, but I think she is very cute.  The tag in behind the collage is removable. On it I wrote the details about the girl in the picture, the things that were written on the back along with anything else I felt I should remember.

Thanks so much for stopping by! Happy New Year!

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